Monday, April 27, 2020

LE @ Advanced CBD Toastmasters Club 27/4/2020 (online meeting)



develop [ dih-vel-uh p ]

presentation [ prez-uh n-tey-shuh n]

statistics [ stuh-tis-tiks ]

informative [ in-fawr-muh-tiv ]

(Note: If you go to, you can click on the audio button to listen to the words)

Grammar/Sentence structure 

1. Did anyone got that? => Did anyone get that?

2. It will be a little bit take time. => It will take some time.

3. I would not want to be contracted with the virus. 
=> I would not want to contract the virus.

4. Can you introduce us his speech objectives?
=> Can you please read out the speech objectives?

5. My past vacations in the past
=> My past vacations 

6. What is the expectation he is doing? 
=> What are his expectations?

7. Smooth us into the second half
=> bring us smoothly into the second half of the meeting

8. She make the speakers welcome.
=> She made the speakers feel welcome.

9. She have more eye contact to the camera and that can engage with the audience.
=> She faced the camera to establish effective eye contact with the audience to engage them.

10. He used good PRP method.
=> He used the PRP method effectively.

11. He can go deep in to explain how the speaker can improve.
=> He can explain with greater depth how the speaker can improve.
=> He can explain more in depth how the speaker can improve.

12. He provide a conclusion at the end which remind the speaker what his point are.
=> He provided a summary at the end which allows the speaker to recap his points.


1. Hello guys! => Hello, fellow toastmasters and friends!

2. Can you guys see this?. => Can all of you see this?

3. I will continue on => I will continue (on is redundant)

4. Thank you for your cautious.
=> Thank you for your caution.

5. We will do our club business.
=> We will conduct our club business.

6. You should have got the email from him.
=> You should have received the email from him.

7. Investment advise  (verb)
=> Investment advice (noun)

8. Giovanni spoke about a technical presentation.
=> Giovanni gave/delivered a technical presentation.

9. He did a rule of three. => He used the rule of three.

10. Ann didn't mention about the speech time.
=> Ann didn't mention the timing sequence for the speech. (about is redundant)

11. I did the same mistake. => I made the same mistake.

12. He emphasized on the impact of... 
=> He emphasized the impact of... (on is redundant)



1. clear and concise

2. proposal to purchase

3. publicity and potentially more work


1. great flowing sentences

2. The loneliness is amplified.

3. It will not cost us an arm and a leg 
(used to describe anything that is considered to be extremely expensive or excessively pricey.)

The experience is like being in prison.

Repetition and contrast
A rich man needs nothing.
A poor man has nothing.
When you die, you can take nothing with you.
But all of us can do something to make a difference to someone.

(Note: Repetition creates emphasis and the use of contrast makes the speaker's argument stronger and more memorable.)

An interesting fact:
There isn't a word for the opposite of loneliness. (Did we even know this??)

However, we can consider the three Cs as the opposite of loneliness.


Saturday, April 18, 2020

LE @ Tampines West Toastmasters Club 12042020 (online meeting)

Word of the Day
galvanize (verb)
- to shock or excite (someone) into taking action.
e.g. The President's passionate speech galvanized all the members into action.

Speakers who used the WOTD:
Atiqah: "I hope this will galvanize everyone to have kinder and deeper conversations." 

Rina: "I would like to galvanize all of you to reach for your dreams." ☑️

Samantha: "I would like to galvanize the attention of your content." 
(Note: we use "galvanize" with someone, not something)



productivity     [proh-duhk-tiv-i-tee] (stress is on the third syllable, not second)

conformist      [kuhn -fawr-mist]

finances         [fi-nans-is]

develop          [dih-vel-uph]

resilience       [ri-zil-ee-uhns]  (the "s" is pronounced as a "z" sound)

reflect            [ri-flekt]  

opportunity    [op-er-tyoo-ni-tee]


1. nice to meet you guys => nice to meet you fellow Toastmasters and friends

2. Toastmaster club => Toastmasters club

3. bullshit => nonsense, baloney, balderdash, hogwash, hooey, moonshine

4. After hearing your this speech => After listening to your speech

5. I am a diabetes patient => I am a diabetic patient

6. I go further on to => I go on to 

7. When I did my NZ camper trip => When I went on my NZ camper trip

8. I have made many projects => I have completed / embarked on many projects

9. during this time we're living on => during this time we're living in

10. don't have to agree with every advice => don't have to agree with every piece of advice

11. need to tahan => need to endure / bear with it

12. Ms Joanne Wang => Toastmaster Joanne Wang
      Mr Tracy => Competent Communicator Tracy etc (use the correct TM title)

13. surfacing that group of people => highlighting that group of people

14. She's very passionate with her life => She's very passionate about life


1. He has motivate me to do well in life.    ✖️
    He has motivated me to do well in life.  ✔️

2. We are all foster relationships. ✖️
    We are all fostering relationships. ✔️

3. the three words that describe your future is ✖️
   the three words that describe your future are ✔️

Sentence Structure

1. Singapore my motherland I'm proud of  ✖️
    I'm proud of my motherland Singapore.  ✔️

2. I haven't belong to Toastmasters club yet. / I'm not belong to any Toastmasters club yet.  ✖️
    I do not belong to any Toastmasters club.  ✔️

3. I started this on last year. ✖️
    I started on this last year.   ✔️

4. this EQ speech as well ✖️
    this speech on Emotional Quotient  ✔️

5. The Pathway has made me to one what I am today. ✖️
    The Pathway has helped me to become what I am today. ✔️

6. what potential problems may there be ✖️
    what potential problems there may be ✔️

7. I am always control my feelings and actions. ✖️

    I am always in control of my feelings and actions. ✔️



1. Less is more

2. Small talk vs deeper conversation

3. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

4. perspective of the bad to appreciate the good

5. go through the hard times so you will enjoy the good times


1. funds, food, fun

2. effective and efficient

3. position, point

4. practice makes progress


1. Be present, be in the moment


Our mouths should have three gatekeepers:
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

(note: gatekeeper = person who controls access to something, e.g. bouncer)

Thursday, April 16, 2020

LE @ Katong Toastmasters Club 16042020



unleashed   [uhn-leesh-d]

mentor         [men-tawr, men-ter]

sword           [sawrd] (Note: "w" is silent)

opportunity   [op-er-tyoo-ni-tee]

audience      [aw-dee-uhns]

deliver          [dih-liv-er]

metaphor     [met-uh-fawr, met-uh-fer]


1. Tourist places like ECP  => Tourist places like East Coast Park

2. I was so much excited => I was so excited

3. I was so much happy => I was so happy

4. Share your worries to me => share your worries with me

5. heartrendering => heartrending (causing great distress or sadness)

6. when we're in an issue => when we're in a crisis


1. I fall in love => I fell in love

2.  My second worry force me into reality => My second worry forced me into reality

3. Whatever opportunities life give us => Whatever opportunities life gives us

4. It's easy to relate even to those who are not Christians and who does not read the Bible => It's easy to relate even to those who are not Christians and do not read the Bible 

Sentence structure

1. When I look into the ATM machine => When I check my bank account balance

2.  the air got freshen up => the air feels so much fresher now



1. What's your silver lining in this Covid19 crisis? 
    silver lining = a positive aspect in even the worst event or situation

2.  this monster has reared its ugly head

3. God will break the chains that are binding me

4. You did it in spades! 
(Ace of spade is the top card. 'did it in spades' = great abundance or a high degree of quality of it)

5. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul (Love this quote!!)

6. Fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat


1. When the world is running down,
    you make the best of what's still around.

2.  invoke emotion or action


lavishly celebrating your rebirth 
lavish = to expend or give in great amounts or without limit


1. Spring will be evermore sweeter.

2. empathy to employers

3. our words can hurt or heal

4. sink or swim


1. Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.

2. Show, not tell

3. One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth