Word of the Day
impassioned [ im-pash-uhnd ] adjective [from dictionary.com]filled with intense feeling or passion; ardent
The politician gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech.
1. opportunity [ op-er-too-ni-tee, -tyoo- ]
2. work [ wurk ]
3. shocked [ shokt ]
4. fact [ fakt ]
5. focused [ foh-kuhst ]
1. founding father(s)
2. personal example(s)
3. for all the tourist(s)
1. When I'm in the beach => When I'm at the beach
2. Singapore do have quite a number of hiking trails => Singapore has quite a number of hiking trails
3. People who enjoys nature => People who enjoy nature
1. the old syllabus => the traditional educational program
2. to come to our club meeting => to attend our club meeting
3. post the contest => after the contest or post-contest
4. I do not have as much opportunities => I do not have as many opportunities
5. Welcome back, guys and gals => Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen
Sentence structure
1. This is how we'll do the ice breaking. => This is how we'll conduct the Ice breaker session.
2. Can you pass the time to another speaker? => Please nominate the next speaker.
3. I used to to and fro => I used to visit my homeland quite often.
4. to speak on their foot => to think on their feet and speak off the cuff
5. I was voted the best table topics => I was voted the best Table Topics Speaker.
6. To do the club pride => to do the club proud
7. I went out of the mic => I moved out of the range of the mic
8. All evaluators are qualified for voting. => All evaluators are eligible for voting OR
All evaluators qualify for voting.
1. I have a penchant for NDP songs = strong inclination, taste or liking for something
2. The vaccine has been touted as a silver bullet = a simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem
1. relax and rejuvenate
1. shine like sunlight
1. Fracture, adventure and mature
2. elegantly and confidently
1. Find clarity in the midst of uncertainty (use of rhyming words also)
(repeating a phrase in reverse order)
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - Zig Ziglar
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