Friday, December 11, 2020

LE @ Bukit Merah TMC online meeting 11/12/2020

 Word of the Day

rollicking (adjective)
- carefree and joyous
e.g. We spent one rollicking week in Hawaii, running from one gorgeous beach to the next.
e.g. The music was so merry and rollicking that within no time everyone was on their feet, swaying to the beat.

Speakers who used the WOTD: (I might have missed out a few)
Jennifer/Flaming: "rollicking good time."

Jennifer: "rollicking speech segment" / "rollicking good speaker" 

Sonia/Kat: "rollicking good evening" 

Peter: "creating a rollicking experience" / "rollicking season"

Jackson: "all for a rollicking good time"

Mary: "rolling and rollicking across the field" / "rollicking fellow"

Ching Nee: "rollicking speech"



1. opportunity      [op-er-tyoo-ni-tee]

2. clothed            [klohthd]

3. virtually            [vur-choo-uh-lee]  

4. demonstrating [dem-uhn-streyt-ing]


1.Toastmasters Club 

2. Table Topics Master

3. all these experiences

4. guests


1. She will be doing her Icebreaker speech => She will be presenting her Icebreaker speech

2. Chapter two, my teenage  => Chapter two, my teenage years

3. I have friends to hang around => hang out with 

4. What the hell are you doing? => What on earth are you doing?

5. Explain in the body part => explain in the body of your speech

6. The machine you do is not working => The machine you repaired is not working.


1. We've gone through things that we've never expect.  ✖️
    We've gone through things that we've never expected.  ✔️

2. That contribute to her comfort level. ✖️
   That contributed to her comfort level. ✔️

3. Peter always deliver his speech with vocal variety. ✖️
   Peter always delivers his speeches with vocal variety.✔️

4. She is with Toastmasters for five years. ✖️
   She has been with Toastmasters for five years. ✔️

Sentence Structure

1. I'll hand over the meeting now to J. ✖️
    I'll hand over the control of the meeting now to J.  ✔️

2. May I ask the evaluator to read out the project's objectives?  ✖️
    I shall now invite the evaluator to read out the project's objectives.  ✔️

3. I easily make friends. ✖️
    I make friends easily.  ✔️



1. pursue her passion

2. rolling and rollicking across the field

Simile / Metaphor

1. He is like an architect. (simile)

2. You're in hot soup.

3. hot mama in hot soup

4. There's no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.

5. He stepped on my toes. (offended me)


1. unconstrained, unrestrained

2. Facts tell; stories sell


1. I was born in a small town with big dreams.

2. cajole him or tell him off

3. It's not wasting my time! It's wasting your time!

4. Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.


1. We fail together, we grow together.

2. I'm not a Twerker, I'm not a Facebooker, I'm not nothing, I'm old school.

Monday, November 30, 2020

LE @ Tampines West TMC Online meeting 30/11/2020

 Word of the Day

alluring (adjective)
- very attractive, enticing, fascinating
e.g. We were all charmed by her alluring smile.
e.g. The small town offered alluring shops and restaurants.

Speakers who used the WOTD: (I might have missed out a few)
Peter: "Communication may be alluring at times." / "Put on an alluring suit."

Abbirami: "You have to use some alluring words." 

Thomas: "Who is that alluring dude in a pale suit?" 

Kirby: "alluring thought of winning"



1. develop          [dih-vel-uph]

2. probably        [prob-uh-blee]

3. gestures        [jes-chers]  


1.There will be changes in our lives.

2. thinking processes daily

3. list of leadership styles

4. guests


1. did I have the desired output => did I achieve the desired outcome

2. It is good to do a plan => It is good to create a plan

3. Today I am going to 
give two real-life examples => share real-life examples

4. After hearing your this speech => After listening to your speech

5. physically straining => physically strenuous

6. You could have bad consequences => You could have negative consequences.

7. These things form the foundation and bedrock of speaking => These skills form...

8. Your state of listening is broken => You are listening and your attention is distracted.

9. You could give some unique experience => You could share some unique experiences.

10. Drastical language => impactful language (?)


1. She did not agree to this point.   ✖️
    She did not agree with this point.  ✔️

2. What drive you to wake up? ✖️
    What drives you to wake up? ✔️

Sentence Structure

1. What type of leadership style that I am exhibiting?✖️
    What type of leadership style do I exhibit?  ✔️

2. After finding out myself  ✖️
    After finding out about my leadership style...  ✔️

3. Everybody that we meant to met✖️
    Everybody that we meet   ✔️

4. All actions will have to take self ownership of outcome. ✖️
    We should take ownership of the outcomes of our actions. ✔️

5. In the event of misunderstood... ✖️
    In the event of being misunderstood.../ In the event of misunderstanding... ✔️

6. This is the last speech of our today's meeting ✖️
    This is the last speech for tonight. ✔️

7. The main reason why I join Toastmasters is to...✖️

    The main reason I joined Toastmasters is to...✔️



1. tap, not get trapped

2. movie maniac

3. pitch, pace, power and pause (4 Ps of Vocal Variety)

4. rushed or relaxed pace

5. engaging and entertaining evening

6. alluring and appealing

7. assured and affirmed

8. smooth and seamless

9. crystal clear clarity

10. intrigue and interest

11. reflect and ruminate

12. formidable and fantastic speaker

13. motivate the masses


1. writing, crafting and delivering speeches

2. the park is on fire, the ground is on fire, you are on fire!!

3. You're a prepared, certain and confident speaker.

Simile / Metaphor

1. Giving a humorous speech is like going after the girl you're interested in. (simile)

2. Be on the road of self-improvement

3. I am just a little sparkle in the universe.


1. My heart feels tight; nothing feels right.

2. Keep my expression going and flowing.

3. be mindful and careful

4. efficiency and fluency

5. relatable and applicable

6. Facts tell; stories sell

Saturday, November 21, 2020

LE @ SAP Online Meeting (18 Nov 2020)


Word of the Day

evanescent [ ev-uh-nes-uhnt ] (adjective)

=  vanishing; fading away; fleeting

We would have all missed the evanescent moment if not for the photographer's speed and skill.

Money is evanescent, but love and friendship are forever.                 (from

Uses of Word of the Day:

My enthusiasm for practical cycling is not an evanescent interest. (Valentina)

Bubbles are evanescent. (Swarna)

Time is evanescent and fading away. (Giri)

You have taken the first step in your Toastmasters journey and I hope it is not evanescent. (Anand)



1. They always commented me on... => They always make comments about me such as...

2. Will shape me into who am I today => Will shape me into who I am today


1. maybe I just be an ordinary people => maybe I could just be an ordinary person

2. the second wife was more empathic => the second wife was more empathetic

3. It got dormant => It became dormant

4. This is an impromptu section => This is an impromptu segment.

5. Toastmasters is the platform to do mistakes => Toastmasters is the platform to make mistakes

6. develop some memories => create some memories

7. This created an inquisitiveness in me => This made me curious


1. admirable    ad-mer-uh-buhl ]


1. Toastmasters 

2. nowadays 

3. aspect

4. evidence (instead of evidences)



1. colleagues and customers

2. engaging and enriching

3. vivid visuals

4. power of pauses

5. streamline and smoothen


to spread the practical cycling "virus"


1. action and intention

2. meet and greet

3. initially and finally

4. connect and reflect


I cycled everywhere and every time I could


Small things in life can bring so much happiness.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

LE @ Tampines Changkat TMC Online Meeting 29 OCT 2020

  Word of the Day

enigma [uh-nig-muh] (noun)

enigmatic [en-ig-mat-ik] (adjective)

    1. a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation

    2. a person of puzzling or contradictory character

    3. a saying, question, picture, etc., containing a hidden meaning; riddle

His disappearance is an engima that has given rise to much speculation.

She has a perpetually enigmatic expression on her face.                     (from

Uses of Word of the Day:

What is the secret behind this enigma? (Wendy)

The future of work is not enigmatic (Kathy)

Something enigmatic must have happened. (Wayne)

It's not an enigma that Wendy is a great story-teller. (Hyder)

It's not so enigmatic that you have... 

You gave some enigmatic expressions (Cindy)



1. Our ZOOM master who have => Our ZOOM master who has

 2. We have achieve => We have achieved 

3. The statue turned alive and become his wife 

=> The statue came alive and became his wife

4. These students become the smartest in the class 
=> These students became the smartest in the class

5. Will not be qualified for the voting 
=> Will not qualify for voting / will not be eligible for voting

6. when I stand in front of the senior leaders 
=> When I stood in front of the senior leaders

7. Haven't speak for a long time => Haven't spoken for a long time

8. all the Speechcraft participants who have went through the Speechcraft program
=> all the Speechcraft participants who have gone through the Speechcraft program

9. The only thing I am scared about is cats
=> The only thing I am scared of is cats


1. I felt super disappointed => I felt utterly disappointed

2. I took some day offs => I took some days off

3. I'm screwed, man! => I'm done for! 

4. What is their resistant => What is their resistance?

5. How well you guys do => How well you all do

6. If you cannot tahan => If you cannot tolerate/ exercise self-control

Sentence structure

1. Our club has been there for 28 years 

=> Our club has been around for 28 years. / Our club has been in existence for 28 years.

2. Her title of speech is  => The title of her speech is

3. Try to find the comfort in the uncomfortable 

=> Try to find your comfort zone in an uncomfortable situation

4. It got me puzzled a bit  => It got me a little puzzled


1. deliver    [dih-liv-er]

2. opportunities [op-er-too-ni-tee]

3. continue  [kuhn-tin-yoo]

4. verbatim [ver-bey-tim]

5. Halloween [hal-uh-ween]


1. Tampines Changkat Toastmasters  / Table Topics 

2. psychologists / guests  / interests

3. stakeholder/ executives

4. share your experience / two choices



1. hit me hard

2. crafting and communication

3. sweet spot

4. empowerment and engagement

5. squishy and soft

Simile / Metaphors

1. I felt like a fish out of water (simile)

2. My career journey went pitch black (metaphor)

3. pranksters / snitches (referring to the various appointment holders)


1. Our people at TC need better flexibility, empowerment and engagement

2. resilient spirit, strength and energy

3. Your speech was interesting, exciting and engaging

4. soft, squishy and gooey matter (referring to the brain)


1. epitome of dedication

Epitome refers to a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality

2. breathtaking vs breath-taking (use of PUN)

breathtaking means something so astonishing or awe-inspiring that it takes your breath away.

breath-taking means to make you lose your breath so you become breathless

Parallel structure

1. meeting by meeting... contest by contest... term by term

2. Others have said that; TC has actualized it.

3. We like you! We love you!


1. Growth only happens when I can be comfortable in an uncomfortable situation

2. How you handle life's challenges will determine whether you break or breakthrough


1. We are in this together, and only when we change together can we benefit from the future of work as intended.

2. If I can't slack all the way, I'll have to go all the way... all the way down  

(All the way repeated several times throughout the speech)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

LE @ ACCA TMC 20 Oct 2020

 Word of the Day

equanimity [ee-kwuh-nim-i-tee] (noun)

= mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain; calmness


Many office workers have accepted the new normal of working from home with equanimity.

Uses of Word of the Day:

We are able to accept the new normal with equanimity (Vincent)

Restored that equanimity (Ishnita)



1. The pandemic suddenly come

=> The pandemic came upon us suddenly

2. What is something new that you have pick up this pandemic?

=> What is something new that you have picked up during this pandemic?

3. What is a memory you are most fond of from this pandemic?

=> What is a memory you are most fond of during this pandemic?

4. My friend have Thermomix => My friend has/owns a Thermomix

5. If anything go wrong => If anything goes wrong

6. It give a high comfort that... => It gives us great comfort 


1. We have to used to it => We have to get used to it 

2. The effect bring to us => The effect on us

3. They do not like tension environment. => They do not like tension-filled environment. 

4. We must be encourage => We must be encouraging

5. You look good after loosing 6kg => You look good after losing 6kg

6. Need to loss more => Need to lose more

7. call of action => call to action

8. to do the evaluation => to present the evaluation

Sentence structure

1. It's been a long time didn't see you all => It's been a long time since we last met


1. analytical    [an-i-li-ti-kuhl]

2. satisfaction [sat-is-fak-shuhn]

3. presentation  [prez-uhn-tey-shuhn]

4. demonstrate  [dem-uhn-streyt]


1. Table Topics Master

2. guests

3. communication styles

4. six minutes



1. inspire and influence

2. facts and figures

3. the future of finance function

4. impactful and interesting


1. inspire, influence and impact

2. We need to transform, we need to act fast and we need to do things differently

3. supported this points using statistics, data and reports


1. to make the numbers talk much better

Parallel structure

1. It is no longer the big beating the small, but the fast beating the slow

- Eric Pearson

Friday, August 14, 2020

LE @ NUS Alumni TMC online meeting 14/08/2020


Word of the Day

impassioned [ im-pash-uhnd ] adjective  [from]
filled with intense feeling or passion; ardent

The politician gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech.



1. opportunity  [ op-er-too-ni-tee, -tyoo- ]

2. work  [ wurk ]  

3. shocked  [ shokt ]

4. fact  [ fakt ]

5. focused foh-kuhst ]


1. founding father(s)

2. personal example(s)

3. for all the tourist(s)


1. When I'm in the beach => When I'm at the beach

2. Singapore do have quite a number of hiking trails => Singapore has quite a number of hiking trails

3. People who enjoys nature => People who enjoy nature


1. the old syllabus => the traditional educational program

2. to come to our club meeting => to attend our club meeting

3. post the contest => after the contest or post-contest

4. I do not have as much opportunities => I do not have as many opportunities

5. Welcome back, guys and gals => Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen

Sentence structure

1. This is how we'll do the ice breaking. => This is how we'll conduct the Ice breaker session.

2. Can you pass the time to another speaker? => Please nominate the next speaker.

3. I used to to and fro => I used to visit my homeland quite often.

4. to speak on their foot => to think on their feet and speak off the cuff

5. I was voted the best table topics => I was voted the best Table Topics Speaker.

6. To do the club pride => to do the club proud

7. I went out of the mic => I moved out of the range of the mic

8. All evaluators are qualified for voting. => All evaluators are eligible for voting OR
All evaluators qualify for voting.



1. I have a penchant for NDP songs = strong inclination, taste or liking for something

2. The vaccine has been touted as a silver bullet = a simple and seemingly magical solution to a complicated problem


1. relax and rejuvenate


1. shine like sunlight


1. Fracture, adventure and mature

2. elegantly and confidently


1. Find clarity in the midst of uncertainty (use of rhyming words also)


(repeating a phrase in reverse order)

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." - Zig Ziglar

Thursday, July 23, 2020

LE @ NUSS TMC Online Meeting on 23 Jul 2020

Word of the Day

indefatigable [ in-di-fat-i-guh-buh ] adjective  [from]
incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring. 

The Vice President of Membership is indefatigable in her effort to recruit new members for the club. 



1. Toastmasters Club /  Toastmasters International

2. guests  note: [sts] is a consonant cluster and each letter should be sounded

3. these duties

4. unwanted items


1. plaque [plak]

2. thank  [thangk]   

3. preparation [ prep-uh-rey-shuh n ]

4. developing [ dih-vel-uh-ping ]

5. fact  [ fakt ]

6. audience aw-dee-uh ns ]


1. challenges that lies ahead => challenges that lie ahead

2. like what you see earlier => like what you saw earlier

3. though you have connect well => though you have connected well


1. the multi-tasking is taking place in a lightning speed => 
the multi-tasking is taking place at lightning speed

2. make sure you’re relax => make sure you're relaxed

3. the information you shared was exhausted 
=> the information you shared was overwhelming

4. The acronym is ABC => the abbreviation is ABC
Note: An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word, such as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration) and scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus)



1. the EXCO propels us to greater heights = drive/ urge onward

2. WFH conjures feelings of isolation = brings to mind

3. If you want your team to be engaged at work, you need to make your work more engaging.


1. personal and professional development

2. hot Korean hunks

3. pacing and pauses


1. I'm drowning in my sea of files.

2. Songs - the key of life


1. coax, force and pressurise

2. who, why, what (also alliteration)

3. sounds, sights and smells (also alliteration)

4. confidently, clearly and concisely (also alliteration)


1. Make together better

2. involvement creates engagement


1. When the journey gets tough, the rewards are sweeter.

2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tze

Sunday, July 19, 2020

LE @ Civil Service Inspiration TMC Online Meeting 17 July 2020

Word of the Day



verb (used with object), re·ju·ve·nat·ed, re·ju·ve·nat·ing.

to make young again; restore to youthful vigor, appearance, etc.:That vacation has certainly rejuvenated him.
to restore to a former state; make fresh or new again:to rejuvenate an old sofa.

1. We have revival plans to rejuvenate the club. - Linda

2. It will be an exciting phase of rejuvenation. - Linda

3. I feel rejuvenated. - Ruby

4. Let's rejuvenate the system. - Annette



interests [consonant cluster]

genre [French zhahn-ruh


1. I try out new recipes la. => I try out new recipes.

2. Can I get you to take over now as evaluation. => Please commence with your evaluation now. 

3. very good evaluation / good opening =>

very informative and insightful evaluation / an attention-grabbing opening

[note: try to use more specific adjectives as "good" is too general]

4. The pro thing is ... => The pros are a, b, c... OR One of the pros is ...

5. The con side is ... => The cons are a, b, c... OR One of the cons is ...


1. Tell us something that we will get to know you better.
=> Tell us something that will allow us to get to know you better.

2. What made you change to work for Levi's?
=> Why did you decide to work for Levi's?



1. My heart was pounding and my hands were trembling.
=> Effective way of showing the audience that the speaker was feeling anxious instead of just telling us 

2. Laissez-faire
= a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering, 
e.g. a laissez-faire attitude to life

Alliteration (words beginning with the same sounds)

1. intrigues by local legends

2. misguided men

3. sanitized and sedated

4. studious and systematic

5. comfortable and confident

6. audience awareness


watch them bloom like flowers


1. cold prison walls stripped them of their dignity

2. These men became empty shells and mere shadows.

3. feed them a powerful diet of positive words

4. I was searching through my memory bank

5. I was hooked to your speech.

Triad (group of three words or phrases)

1. confident, capable and competent (also aliiteration)

2. heal, uplift and unite

3. intimidate, insult and infuriate (also alliteration)


You are part of something bigger
We are part of something bigger


1. I walked in as a guest and walked out as a member.

2. personal life vs professional life