Thursday, November 19, 2009

The basement brainstorm

Opening Address July 2009

When people hear the word “basement” they’re more likely to picture mould and spiders than the birth place of a global communication and leadership training organization. But a basement is exactly where the first toastmasters meeting was held.

Ralph Smedley, the founder of Toastmasters International, worked as director of education for a Young Men’s Christian Association or YMCA after he graduated from college. He observed that many of the young men needed “training in the art of public speaking and in presiding over meetings”. So what did he do? Did he merely wish for them to become better? No, he made things happen. How?

First, he decided on a training format. He chose a format similar to a social club to attract people to join.

Second, he named his group “The Toastmasters Club” to suggest a pleasant, social atmosphere appealing to young men. During the early 1900s the word “toastmaster” referred to a person who proposed the toasts and introduced the speakers at a banquet.

Third, he got together a group of young men from YMCA in Santa Ana, California in 1924 and they met in a basement for their first meeting to practice speaking in a supportive, informal atmosphere.

The seedling club blossomed. Word spread about Smedley’s YMCA experiment and soon people in other communities and even other states began asking for permission and help to start their own Toastmasters meetings. Today, thanks to Ralph Smedley’s “basement brainstorm”, there are more than 12,000 Toastmasters clubs and more than 250,000 members in 106 countries. Thanks to Ralph Smedley, we are gathered here tonight to enjoy the benefits of Toastmasters.

Fellow toastmasters, ladies and gentlemen, is there something in your workplace or at home that needs improvement? Then don’t just wish for things to be better. Make things better.

For myself, I wanted to improve our club’s presence in cyberspace so I’ve updated our website and started a facebook account for our club. Your support and feedback will be greatly appreciated. Please look for Joni Siah in Facebook and add me as a friend. Then I will link you to our club page. This is where we can share photos and event information and hold animated discussions over issues pertaining to our club. Make your presence felt. Join me in FACEBOOK.

In conclusion,
Don’t watch things happen,
Don’t wonder what happen,

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