Word of the Day
frivolous (adjective)
characterized by lack of seriousness or sense (from Dictionary.com)
Sometimes we need to be frivolous to have fun.
Sometimes we need to be frivolous to have fun.
Uses of Word of the Day
Fook Tiang: "You're not frivolous, you're serious."
Mohammad: "It's definitely not frivolous."
Sreeram: "Be meticulous or frivolous"
Raj: "Halloween was considered to be frivolous."
Yau Hong: "Is he frivolous or is he serious?"
1) I'm going to ask you guys a question. => I'm going to ask everyone a question.
2) Get sh*t done => Get things done.
3) kiasu => overly competitive
4) in the letter "purpose" => using the acronym "purpose"
5) which are the main point you want to prove => which is the main point you want to share
6) focus on less stories => focus on fewer stories
7) garang gabok => all in a mess
8) who likes to make young friends => who likes to make friends with everyone
1) I will get out myself out of the bed => I will get out of bed/ I will jump out of bed.
2) I did property agent => I was a property agent.
3) Two types of people can work with => Two types of people we like to work with
4) I am the kid who went to Disneyland and fall down => ... and fell down
5) what speaker speak => what the speaker said
1) Halloween [hal -uh - ween]
2) memorable [mem - er -uh -buhl]
3) comfortable [kuhmf - ter - buhl]
1) done and dusted
2) setbacks, sadness and struggles
3) overwhelmed and overstressed
4) head, heart and hands
5) plan, prepare, present and be present
6) wishes come true, witches come through
7) Halloween Horror night
8) horrible and horrific
1) ashes of his failure
2) diving in the mythical world of Hogwards
1) yay or nay
2) near and dear to him
3) impression and inspiration
4) sunny or funny
1) It's easy to speak, difficult to stop.
2) not in our sleep, not in real life, but in the cinema and in our imagination
Why is the skeleton always alone in a party?
Because he had no body to dance with. (LOL)
with my new wife... my rifle
so many adventures for us to explore;
so many things for us to try...
1) adrenaline, pump and excitement
2) Never stop fighting; never stop believing; never give up!