Thursday, July 22, 2021

LE @ NUSS Toastmasters Club (Online Meeting) on 22 Jul 2021

 Word of the Day

impassioned (adjective)

  passionate, ardent            (from


The President's impassioned speech brought the members to their feet.       


Uses of Word of the Day:

I hope he is impassioned about his playing (Joseph)

•If we ever had an impassioned leader (Joseph)

•Impassioned speech from an impassioned leader (Jeog)

•Impassioned speech as a toast for the new EXCO (Swarna)

•Club full of impassioned leaders (Adalyn)

•You're a super and impassioned leader (Adalyn)

•You need an impassioned kind of speaker (Chung Wei)

•personal and impassioned speaker (Keen)



1. He want to => He wants to

2. How many of you has seen the use of Kahoot? 

=> How many of you have seen the use of Kahoot?

3. I would text her in the midnight => I would text her at midnight.


1. He tried to "sell koyok" => He tried to push the product.

2. We're worried about this Covid-19 thing =>  We're worried about the Covid pandamic.


•reminisce [rem-uh-nis]

•theme [theem]

•think [thingk]

•stopped [stopt]

•shocked [shokt]

•deliver [dih-liv-er]

•opportunity [op-er-tyoo-ni-tee]

•zealous [zel-uhs]


1. Toastmasters Club
2. guests 
3. chapter meeting
4. more intiatives



1. galvanized = stimulated

2. accentuated = gave emphasis and prominence to


1. professional and personal expertise

2. cafe and conversation


1. ...authentic, beautiful and courageous life

2. ...dynamic, connected and growing club


1. We want to know your battles, so we can serve you better.

2. Facts tell, stories sell.

3. Your stories sell very well.


1. Your weaknesses and strengths, your highs and your lows

2. From comfort zone to fear zone

3. Praise in public, criticize in private

Petty things become unimportant when

people are impassioned about a purpose higher than self.

- Steven Covey

Friday, July 9, 2021

LE @ NUS Alumni TMC online meeting 09/07/2021

 Word of the Day

impassioned (adjective)

  passionate, ardent            (from


The President's impassioned speech brought the members to their feet.   

She made an impassioned plea for help.           


Uses of Word of the Day:

impassioned group of leaders (Tu Yu)

•impassioned, inspiring and impactful speech (Tu Yu)

•warm, impassioned group of leaders. (Elizabeth)

•Strong and impassioned club EXCO (Lixian)

•We're impassioned about the club. (Xavier)

•impassioned collector of quotations (Marcus)

•more impassioned delivery (Artha)



1. while at the same time (use either while or at the same time, not both together)

2. Now it is up to you guys =>  Now it is up to you!

3. We're here to support you guys => We're here to support all of you.

4. act irrational => act irrationally

5. neighbour is doing the ritual => neighbour is performing the ritual

6. once there's an interrupt => Once there's an interruption

7. love ones => loved ones

Sentence structure

1. We get one more person as the time is a bit over

=> Let's invite one last person to share as we're running overtime.

2. Let's welcome our speaker of today  => Let's welcome the next speaker

3. Marcus, over the stage to you => Marcus, over to you.

4. We should preserve as much things as possible.

=> We should preserve as much history and culture as possible.

5. All are qualified. => All qualify for voting. / All are eligible for voting.


•growth [grohth]

•third [thurd]

•stopped [stopt]

•punched [puhncht]


1. members' progress

2. guests 

3. two speeche

4. few deep breaths

5. feedback (not feedbacks)



1. Fabulous Friday evening

2. overcrowded and overwhelming

3. Beware of the barrenness of an overcrowded life

4. He who laughs last laughs best


1. rooted in the feelings, thoughts and actions of members

2. We are a group of seekers, leaders and learners.

3. 3 key elements: growth, insights and relationships

4. impassioned, inspiring and impactful speech


1. I will be your bridge to Division Z.

2. pull the brakes (= quickly engage a vehicle's brakes to slow down or stop)


1. I am not what I think I am, I am not what you think I am,

I am what I think you think I am.

2. Success is not the key to happiness.

Happiness is the key to success.

(from Marcus' Table Topics)

Petty things become unimportant when

people are impassioned about a purpose higher than self.

- Steven Covey