Word of the Day
luminous (adjective) (from Dictionary.com)1. radiating or reflecting light; bright
2. well-lighted e.g. the luminous ballroom
Speakers who used the WOTD:
Trisha: "journey of the luminous..."
Fan Li: "one of my luminous speeches"
Gwen: "stellar performance based on a luminous script"
Grammar / Sentence structure
1. It looks effortless yet there is so much efforts in it. ✖️
2. I love the way how you speak. ✖️
3. I agree to you. ✖️
4. I'm looking forward for your next speech.✖️
3. brilliant intellectually; enlightened e.g. a luminous concept; luminous prose
4. clear; readily intelligible e.g. a concise, luminous report
Speakers who used the WOTD:
Trisha: "journey of the luminous..."
Fan Li: "one of my luminous speeches"
Gwen: "stellar performance based on a luminous script"
1. fiend [feend]
2. deep breathing [bree-thing]
3. stressed [strest]
4. presentation [prez-uhn-tey-shuhn]
1.Toastmasters Club
2. Table Topics Master
3. guests
1. Especially if you're very boring => especially if you're very bored
Grammar / Sentence structure
1. It looks effortless yet there is so much efforts in it. ✖️
It looks effortless but much effort has been put in. ✔️
2. I love the way how you speak. ✖️
I love the way you speak. ✔️
3. I agree to you. ✖️
I agree with you. ✔️
4. I'm looking forward for your next speech.✖️
I'm looking forward to your next speech. ✔️
1. song, speech and storytelling
2. personal and professional visions
3. concrete call to action
4. clarify, confidence and charm
5. effervescent and entertaining
Simile / Metaphor
1. I'm soft as butter. (simile)
2. Allow your imagination to be a raw material.
3. How can we relax in the arms of life?
1. stillness and thoughtlessness
2. anything and everything
1. Let the thoughts come but also let them go
2. effortless efforts (oxymoron = use of contradictory words)
3. Transform visions into reality
1. Practice! Practice! Practice! (Epizeuxis)
2. Learning without reflection is a waste of time;
reflection without learning is dangerous.
3. well done, well-structured and well prepared.