Thursday, July 23, 2020

LE @ NUSS TMC Online Meeting on 23 Jul 2020

Word of the Day

indefatigable [ in-di-fat-i-guh-buh ] adjective  [from]
incapable of being tired out; not yielding to fatigue; untiring. 

The Vice President of Membership is indefatigable in her effort to recruit new members for the club. 



1. Toastmasters Club /  Toastmasters International

2. guests  note: [sts] is a consonant cluster and each letter should be sounded

3. these duties

4. unwanted items


1. plaque [plak]

2. thank  [thangk]   

3. preparation [ prep-uh-rey-shuh n ]

4. developing [ dih-vel-uh-ping ]

5. fact  [ fakt ]

6. audience aw-dee-uh ns ]


1. challenges that lies ahead => challenges that lie ahead

2. like what you see earlier => like what you saw earlier

3. though you have connect well => though you have connected well


1. the multi-tasking is taking place in a lightning speed => 
the multi-tasking is taking place at lightning speed

2. make sure you’re relax => make sure you're relaxed

3. the information you shared was exhausted 
=> the information you shared was overwhelming

4. The acronym is ABC => the abbreviation is ABC
Note: An acronym is a word formed from the initial letters or groups of letters of words in a set phrase or series of words and pronounced as a separate word, such as NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration) and scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus)



1. the EXCO propels us to greater heights = drive/ urge onward

2. WFH conjures feelings of isolation = brings to mind

3. If you want your team to be engaged at work, you need to make your work more engaging.


1. personal and professional development

2. hot Korean hunks

3. pacing and pauses


1. I'm drowning in my sea of files.

2. Songs - the key of life


1. coax, force and pressurise

2. who, why, what (also alliteration)

3. sounds, sights and smells (also alliteration)

4. confidently, clearly and concisely (also alliteration)


1. Make together better

2. involvement creates engagement


1. When the journey gets tough, the rewards are sweeter.

2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tze

Sunday, July 19, 2020

LE @ Civil Service Inspiration TMC Online Meeting 17 July 2020

Word of the Day



verb (used with object), re·ju·ve·nat·ed, re·ju·ve·nat·ing.

to make young again; restore to youthful vigor, appearance, etc.:That vacation has certainly rejuvenated him.
to restore to a former state; make fresh or new again:to rejuvenate an old sofa.

1. We have revival plans to rejuvenate the club. - Linda

2. It will be an exciting phase of rejuvenation. - Linda

3. I feel rejuvenated. - Ruby

4. Let's rejuvenate the system. - Annette



interests [consonant cluster]

genre [French zhahn-ruh


1. I try out new recipes la. => I try out new recipes.

2. Can I get you to take over now as evaluation. => Please commence with your evaluation now. 

3. very good evaluation / good opening =>

very informative and insightful evaluation / an attention-grabbing opening

[note: try to use more specific adjectives as "good" is too general]

4. The pro thing is ... => The pros are a, b, c... OR One of the pros is ...

5. The con side is ... => The cons are a, b, c... OR One of the cons is ...


1. Tell us something that we will get to know you better.
=> Tell us something that will allow us to get to know you better.

2. What made you change to work for Levi's?
=> Why did you decide to work for Levi's?



1. My heart was pounding and my hands were trembling.
=> Effective way of showing the audience that the speaker was feeling anxious instead of just telling us 

2. Laissez-faire
= a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering, 
e.g. a laissez-faire attitude to life

Alliteration (words beginning with the same sounds)

1. intrigues by local legends

2. misguided men

3. sanitized and sedated

4. studious and systematic

5. comfortable and confident

6. audience awareness


watch them bloom like flowers


1. cold prison walls stripped them of their dignity

2. These men became empty shells and mere shadows.

3. feed them a powerful diet of positive words

4. I was searching through my memory bank

5. I was hooked to your speech.

Triad (group of three words or phrases)

1. confident, capable and competent (also aliiteration)

2. heal, uplift and unite

3. intimidate, insult and infuriate (also alliteration)


You are part of something bigger
We are part of something bigger


1. I walked in as a guest and walked out as a member.

2. personal life vs professional life