Thursday, August 18, 2016


All the women in my family are bottom heavy so having a pear-shaped figure is a genetic curse. When I was pregnant with my second child, I put on 20 hefty kilos. For once in my life, I understood the meaning of “heavyweight”. And for once in my life, I also understood how an elephant must feel, lumbering around with thunder thighs and a big bottom. It was no fun at all. I felt big, fat and flabby.

When I saw pretty mommies like Aarti and Ida, who remained slim despite having had kids, I was green with envy. I wanted to be just like them. When I witnessed Vera's speech about running a marathon and her svelte figure... I knew what I had to do. I have to run to lose weight!

The first time I ran, my thunder thighs were rubbing against each other, causing so much friction I was afraid I might catch fire! I felt unbearable itchiness. I stuck it out and after a few more runs, the itchy feeling faded. I started to enjoy the feeling of sweating it out each time I ran. I imagined the toxins and fats in my body melting away with my perspiration.

In the beginning, I started training short distances like 2.4km which means 6 rounds around the stadium track. I slowly increased to 7 rounds... 8 rounds... 9 rounds and 1 month later, I completed 10 rounds! 4km! What a milestone! I was elated. I went home and promptly shared my achievement with my mother. I ran 10 rounds today! I exclaimed proudly.  Instead of praising me, she frowned and said, Wa! You run so much for what? What if you suddenly collapse and die? You have two young kids you know!!

My friend Geri, an experienced runner, encouraged me to sign up for SHAPE 5km Run in August 2014. Since she was the instigator, she took it upon herself to be my de facto running coach. 

The first time I ran with Geri, I almost... died. She has these super long and lean legs like power kegs. Oh man, can she run. In fact she's so fast, she can run 5km in 29 mins, that's less than 6 min per km, mind you. So there she was running next to me and observing me and correcting my form... lift up your feet more, swing your arms by the side, not across your body, take 3 breaths in and 1 breath out... It was overwhelming and intimidating but of course I was grateful. I mean there are people out there who pay for a personal coach but here I was getting free coaching. I can't complain right? But when I heard Geri say let's do a 30 second sprint, my heart almost stopped. Sprint?? Seriously? Before I could say no thanks, Geri said go! And she started tearing away like the wind. I pumped my legs and swung my hands as fast as I could to catch up with her. I was gasping like a goldfish and my lungs felt close to bursting. Those were the longest 30 seconds of my life! By the end of the 30 seconds, I was gulping for air! Phew! I survived the sprint! 

Geri and I got together some other exercise buffs and formed a running group. We meet on Saturday mornings for our runs. I am so glad for the members in our running group. They are infinitely encouraging. No matter how small my progress they would say, good job, well done. I eventually completed my first 5km run in 45 minutes. I’m a terribly slow runner but when I crossed the finish line, I experienced such an incredible high… in fact it’s a scientific fact that running releases endorphins in your body which makes you feel pleasure! You won’t even need coffee, alcohol or drugs! If you wanna get high, just run.

After that, I was bitten by the running bug and never stopped running. A few months later, I completed the Great Eastern women’s 10km run with my running buddies. 2 years of running has helped me to shed 4 kilos...moving me closer to a healthy BMI. To date, I have completed 7 10km runs. This year I also completed the Shape 15km run and the Straits Times 18.45km run. And I will be attempting my first half-marathon at the end of this month.

My running journey has brought me from Flab to Fab.  Where I used to feel flabby, lethargic, anemic and bloated, I now feel fit and accepting of my body. Besides the physical benefits, running has made me so much stronger mentally. I finally understand Napolean Hill's famous quote: Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, you can achieve.”  It has been a remarkable and rewarding journey and I would like to thank all my running buddies for being part of this journey.

Someone once said: “Running is so symbolic of life. You have to drive yourself to overcome the obstacles. You might feel that you can’t but then you find your inner strength, and realise you’re capable of so much more than you thought.”

(860 words)

Presented @ Katong TMC's Humorous Speech Contest on 18 August 2016

Friday, August 5, 2016




  • Treasurer(s) A and B 
  • NUSS Toastmaster(s) Club
  • All hand (s) should go up
  • The objective (s) are...
  • small little thing (s)
  • You're the shepherd for the sheeps => shepherd for the sheep (no 's' required)
  • What your strength is => what your strengths are

Subject-verb agreement 
  • Your families and your jobs takes priority => Your families and your jobs take priority
  • Her left arm and left leg was weak => Her left arm and left leg were weak.
  • Everyone of us have the ability to contribute to our society. => Everyone of us has the ability to contribute to our society. 

  • The mass was make up of bloody tissues.=> The mass was made up of bloody tissues.
  • She has tell us a story. =>  She has told us a story. 

1) I gave an impromptu Q&A session. => I conducted an impromptu Q&A session.

2) What has Toastmasters helped me? => How has joining Toastmasters helped me?

3) We had 7 topics and we did it in less than two hours. => ... and we covered them in less than two hours 

4) What is so important with ten thousand rule? => What is so important about the 'ten thousand' rule?

5) Don't post me on Facebook. => Don't post photos of me on Facebook. / Don't tag me on Facebook. 

  • Feelings / sheet / weeds (long vowel)
  • Authority / thought / thrusts / thousand / together (stick out your tongue between your teeth for the 'th' sound)
  • President  / confident / packed audience/ locked / gasped (words ending with 't' sound)
  • guests ('sts' is a consonant cluster - make sure all three sounds are distinct)
  • opportunity  [op-er-too-ni-tee, -tyoo-] 
  • presentation [prez-uh n-tey-shuh n] 
  • competitors [kuh m-pet-i-ters] 
  • aghast [uh-gastuh-gahst
  • charisma [kuh-riz-muh
  • sword [sawrd, sohrd] ('w' is silent)
  • appropriate [adjective uh-proh-pree-it; verb uh-proh-pree-eyt] 


  • Patient and passionate 
  • Fun factor
  • The kitchen was spick and span
  • Dejected, depressed and distressed
  • Bloom and blossom 
  • Get down and dirty

  • Intelligent, handsome and humble
  • Clearly, accurately and vividly
  • Success, suggestions and summary

Metaphors/ similes
  • I invite you to come on board with me on this journey 
  • This is only the tip of the iceberg
  • The pen is mightier than the sword
  • Success is like an orchid plant
  • A leader is like a chef

  • Laconic : using only a few words to say something
  • Melange (french) : a mixture or variety of different things

Thursday, August 4, 2016

LE @ NUS Alumni TMC 8 JULY 2016 Chapter Meeting

1) If I could, I will like to => If I could, I would like to

2) He wear his armour => He wore his armour 

3) whatever the person need to do => whatever the person needs to do 

1) to achieve our CC and CL goal(s) 

2) different interest (s)

3) common folk(s) in England 

4) I will get job(s)

5) Toastmaster(s) club 

1) Let's pass the time to the TME => Let's invite the TME to lead us in tonight's meeting.

2) Timer check that we don't go out of time => ... we don't go over time

3) Whether we have done any pause fillers => ... uttered any pause fillers

4) One young guy / those guys are good => one young boy / those people are good

5) Scared and fear of the problem => afraid of the problem

6) do you still feel the burst fire in your heart => do you still feel the fire of enthusiasm burning in your heart

7) how do I send the message to the people => how do I communicate the message to the audience

8) given gift => gift  (given is redundant)

9) if someone envy at you... => if someone envies you

10) the family was not close anymore, it just fall off => ... everyone grew apart 

11) I can deliver a speech one every month => ... deliver a speech once a month

12) my dad passed away and that really got me => ... that really shook me up

NOTE about the phrase "you got me"
(1) You have me with you no matter what forever.
Example: You don't have to worry about anything, you got me.
(2) a sarcastic response to a lame joke made at the speakers expense
Casper: Hey Jake, you know that cheeseburger you just ate. You thought it didn't have mayo, but I put it on there and you totally didn't know. 
Jake: (Rolling his eyes) You got me.

Sentence structure 
1) the reason we're here is because => We're here because... / The reason we're here is that...

2) why it become like this => how did things turn out like this

3) I love the way you opened your speech => I liked the opening of your speech

4) your body language you did appropriate => the body language used was appropriate

5) people taking gun going everywhere shooting everywhere => loose gun laws has given rise to random shooting sprees

6) Trump seems like he's going to give everyone everything => Trump is promising to meet everyone's needs

7) go down to the emotion, the spiritual and holistic => emotionally, spiritually and holistically

kill vs keel (short vowel for /kil/ and long vowel for /keel/)
sword [sawrd, sohrd]  (w is silent)
seventh [sev-uh nth] (stick out your tongue between the teeth at the end)
thirteen [thur-teen] (stick out your tongue between your teeth in front)
trophy [troh-fee] 
passed [past, pahst] (ends with /st/ sound)

1) Purpose to pursue 

2) Facts and figures

3) Fear factor 

4) Fairness vs freedom

1) He progressed rapidly like a rocket 

2) He can motivate and demotivate the audience just like turning on and off a switch

1) Creative and innovative

2) Envied vs pitied

3) Activate and captivate

1) Excitement, enthusiasm and energy